Saturday, July 15, 2006

Guest Lecture at University of Moratuwa

The topic of the lecture was: Test First Coding.

This was done with the aim of explaining the value of test first coding and a practical development session was done for further clarity.

Presentation Slildes

Friday, July 14, 2006

I signed the Agile manifesto

After being an evangelist of Agile Software Development Processes for the past 4 years. I took some time and signed the Agile Manifesto. I should've done this a long time ago.

My Signature in Agile Manifesto

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Workshop on Agile Processes and Software Patterns at University of Peradeniya

Continuing our contribution to the Sri Lankan Universities, hSenid Software International conducted a workshop on Agile Processes and Software Patterns at the University of Peradeniya on 30th June 2006.

The audience was from Computer Engineering department of the Engineering Faculty. The event was a success.

Presentation Slides

Winning - by Jack Welch

Started reading "Winning'. It's facsinating. When you read it you feel as if the book was written with your organization in mind. So far I have read 5 chapters.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

How to Run Successful Projects III - The Silver Bullet

I am halfway through this book and am impressed by the Approach. Although I knew about this approach and the PSI calculation before I started reading the book now I have a much deeper understanding. It is my intention to complete reading this and do a presentation to the hSenid project management team to get their feedback about implementing this.